Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Preface: Where I have been

Today is the first day of a new journey.  I find myself starting blog after blog that end up with no real direction and some how total about two posts.  This time I plan for things to be different simply because I want to this blog to be about my future and the places I want to go and what I have been searching for during the past year and seven months. 

Since laid off from my last place of employment I have spent my days and nights applying for countless jobs to which all I have been rejected.  I have been on several interviews and still no luck.  As I think back to each encounter I try to go through my mind to figure out what I could be doing wrong.  Mind you I am college educated, goal oriented, ambitious and just in general a very hard worker.  I like to do things right and get the job done...I am that all of nothing type of person, definitely willing to go the distance in any situation.

So you may ask what is this blog going to do and why am I spending precious moments plugging away at a blog when I should be applying for jobs.  That answer is simple because I want insight to what  I am doing wrong and what I need to do  better.  Throughout this blog it is my goal to:

  1. Post about jobs I apply for
  2. Discuss and evaluate my interview
  3. Celebrate if I do land a position
I have it made up in my mind that someone is going to take a chance on me and that there is a position that fits my skill set and on top of it throughout my search I will prove that I am Job Possible.

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